Kumar Metal is fully committed to the development of world class Oil Mill Machinery through a process of continuous improvement and research on market trends in the domestic and international markets. With our continuous endeavor to impart an exclusive quality range of machinery, we are able to render a strong impetus in the industry. Our Solvent Extractors have the capacity of 500 Tons per day, and are known for their efficiency and modern designs, which are at par with the international standards. These Solvent Extractors can be installed easily and are available at very competitive market prices.
Solvent Extractor 500 Tons Per Day |
Proper kernel pre-treatment is an important step in solvent extractor to efficiently extract the oil from the kernels. It is always advisable to clean all foreign materials before reuse the machine. That can cause damage to the screw presses, increasing maintenance cost and down time. Our product have installed with magnetic seperators to remove metal debris and the robust vibrating screens are beneficial to sieve sand, stones or other contaminated objects.
The solvent extractor machine consists of hammer grinder, breaker rolls that breaks the kernels into small pieces. The process of breaking kernel into fragments facilitating flaking. Subsequently, the kernel fragments are subjected to flaking in a roller mill. The thick kernel cakes is progressively changed into fine flakes, rupturing of cell walls. The flakes that leave the bottom nip are from 0.25 to 0.4 mm thick.
The kernel flakes are then conveyed to a stack cooker for steam conditioning, the purpose of which is to:
- Adjust the moisture content of the meal to an optimum level
- Rupture cell walls (initiated by rolling)
- Reduce viscosity of oil
- Coagulate the protein in the meal to facilitate separation of the oil from protein materials