Kumar Metal Industries offers a wide range of high quality refinery equipment / machinery for efficient neutralizing, deodorization, bleaching, and other processes. These Oil Mil equipment are manufactured by using the latest machinery and technology. To ensure their highest quality standard, we conduct continous inspections and tests on all our refinery machinery. Apart from being highly efficient and sturdy, these are available at very low market prices.
Post Deodorizer |
We are engaged in manufacturing and offering qualitative industrial deodorizer that are used to deodorize the industrial dirt & gases. These industrial deodorizers meet the requirements of various industries such as chemical, engineering, and pharmaceutical.
Product Specification:
- True counter current thin film deodorizer ensures very efficient deoderising due to uniform contact of oil with sparging steam.
- Zigzag flow pattern results in effective thermal action and removal of odoriferous substance. It also ensures low vapor velocity to minimize entrainment.
- Low steam consumption due to superior designing.
25 TPDto 100 TPD
- Even temperature throughout the process and hence ensuring high efficiency of stripping
- Low energy requirement
- No Pollution problems as the condenser water is discharged practically fat free because of advanced vapor scrubbing
- No Splash oil hence lower neutral oil losses and nil processing cost