The process of collecting the oil cakes and putting them in the storage area and for other purposes can turn out to be very time consuming. After the discharge of the oil cakes, they need to be collected and stored in silos. It also requires a lot of manual work. To make the work of collecting and transporting seeds easier, Cake Elevators are used. Since the cakes need to be further grinded or broken up to make them into oil cake meals, these need to be transported to the various cake breaking / processing machines. The cakes are also used for solvent extraction. The cake elevators helps in lifting the cakes into various locations and machines without the use of any kind of manual labour. This increases the output by a large ratio and also saves a lot of time, as a large number of cakes are lifted and transported at just one go.
These elevators are constructed in a highly strong and robust manner so that the lifting work can be carried out in an efficient manner. There are many manufacturers in the market today who are providing top class Cake Elevators at industrial leading prices. Cake elevators are divided into the opening section, the discharge section, and the tank section. The height of the elevators can also be easily adjusted as per the user's requirement.
These are also available in different types and capacities, and are capable of transporting all types of oil cakes which come from Copra, Sunflower seeds, Sesame seeds, Rape seeds, Soybeans, and many other such seeds.